The Dumplink Tool

A communication bridge between business and technical teams to keep everyone focused on real work

Matt Lane
3 min readDec 11, 2023

Don’t assign tickets

Figure Out The Work

Dumplink lets you and your teams:

DUMP: Break down the project into an unstructured list of tasks

CLUSTER: Cluster that list of tasks into task groups

SEQUENCE: Sequence the task groups.

ARRANGE: Visualize the task groups as an unfolded network and in an arranged order

Dumplink lets teams seamlessly share progress from unsolved to solved states so anyone at the company can understand the risk profile of in-flight work instead of getting into the wrong level of detail while keeping everything on track and refining and adapting as the project unfolds.

It’s perfect for product development teams looking to adopt, or teams who already are engaging with, the Shape Up Method.

Try it out here.

No More Assembly Lines, No More Never-ending Sprints

The Kanban assembly line model addresses reactive work. This is not what dumplink is about. Dumplink is a lightweight tool designed for creative problem-solving teams doing planned project work — teams that shape ideas on a conceptual design track to ensure a meaningful solution is considered and solved at the right level of detail before pulling it into development.

Scrum teams groom backlogs and assign scattered pieces of work to different people through sprint planning. This is not what Dumplink is about either.

Dumplink is for teams who want to bet on current and well-shaped ideas. It is for teams that want to get self-contained projects completed and off their plate and increase the optionality for doing new things in subsequent development cycles. Dumplink is for implementation teams that typically work with appetites, not sprint estimates across disjointed tickets, own individual projects, and come up with their own tasks using the project outline to maintain context.

Too many project management tools are designed around abhorrent ways of working models that are simply not ideal for creative problem-solving, are bloated and overly complicated, and distract teams from focusing on figuring out a discrete block of work and getting it done.

This ends now…with dumplink!

We need a common map that helps teams delegate bounded projects, not tasks, and improve how teams collaborate with each other when in the context of development and design to effectively course correct as the work unfolds. Delegation and implementation teams also need a tool that makes everyone a partner in the process of chunking up a project so those who shape and delegate projects can improve their upstream conceptual design and spiking skills.

Say hello to reliable project hand-offs, smooth kick-offs and fixed-time-variable-scope build cycles, seamless communication, and shipping high-quality work. Say goodbye to burnout, over-indexing on local maximums, and directionless planning.

What Else Can It Be Used For?

  • When you are planning an event, e.g., organizing a bunch of ideas for a trip to Iceland, putting together a company retreat, juggling wedding arrangements that must go smoothly, etc.
  • Sequencing the high-level focus opportunity areas of a product roadmap
  • When you are codifying qualitative research data from user interviews into themes
  • When you are planning to develop a hardware product and launch a Kickstarter campaign
  • When you are engaging in multiple home improvement projects with a private contractor
  • When you are creating a comprehensive personal health and lifestyle routine

…And so much more



Matt Lane

Product strategist focusing on differentiation, conceptual design, and ways of working.